Vascular Sonography Mission & Goals

Jackson College’s mission inspired the program’s design and program mission. We believe students who see themselves as contributors to life-long learning and learning communities will continue to be inspired to transform their own lives and the lives of others.

Jackson College Mission/Vision

  • Mission: Together we inspire and transform lives
  • Vision: Jackson College is a world-class institution of higher education, where learners succeed, and community needs are met

Jackson College Department of Vascular Technology Mission

We inspire students to be leaders through intentional program design—Jackson College’s Mission-inspired the program’s design and our mission. We believe students who see themselves as contributors to life-long learning and learning communities will continue to be inspired to transform their own lives and the lives of others

Competency Standards and Indicators

Jackson College Competencies and Competency Indicators are defined by:

Program Goal

The Jackson College vascular ultrasound program goal is to prepare competent entry-level vascular sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains. Quality and accurate care for every patient is achieved with integrity, reasoning, collaboration, and lifelong learning.

Program Learning Goal: Cognitive-Sonographic Reasoning Competency

  • The graduate will be able to think critically and act responsibly.

Student Learning Outcome

  • Use an investigative approach to determine the clinical hypothesis and select the correct exam protocols for image acquisition.
  • Gather, analyze sonographic data, and identify connections to the pathological and clinical findings
  • Formulate an accurate diagnostic preliminary report based on ultrasound and clinical findings

Program Learning Goal: Affective -Professionalism Competency

  • The graduate will be able to work productively with others and recognize individual contributions to group success.

Student Learning Outcome

  • Participate in quality management team work to provide quality patient care, self-care, and integrity.
  • An active member of professional organizations and their community
  • A caring advocate and effective communicator among a broad range of patient populations, those in normal and altered states, and other healthcare team members

Program Learning Goal: Psychomotor- Scanning Competency

  • The graduate will be able to show sonographic technological literacy.

Student Learning Outcome

  • Exhibit accurate and reliable clinical competency in the performance of vascular exams
  • Perform vascular sonography procedures appropriately and accurately recording all anatomic and physiologic information for interpretation by a physician
  • Apply ultrasound principles and instrumentation relative to imaging and image quality to produce diagnostic vascular sonography examinations
  • Locate and identify normal and abnormal anatomical structures and pathology associated with the cardiovascular system